Historical Perspectives on Canadian Publishing

The book fair guide to new books, November 1937
A complete price list of the publications & importations of the Canadian Macmillans, 1918
Fall 1989 / Key Porter Books
The Fall 1997 Toronto Small Press Fair, 28 September 1997

This site features nearly 100 case studies – short essays written by Canadian scholars – on topics relating to Canadian publishing. The case studies are augmented with letters, photographs, multimedia, and other materials from publishers’ and authors’ archives at McMaster University Library, Queen’s University Archives, and The Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library (University of Toronto).

Peace & War in the 20th Century

Theatrical List,  March - December 1918
Swinny, S.H., Tear-sheet, 1 July 1917
Parliamentary Association for World Government, Periodical, December 1955 - March 1956
Periodical,  22 August 1942

This interactive, thematic website on Peace and War in the 20th Century has been designed to be informative, educational and engaging. Its major themes have been organized into the opposing paths of Waging Peace and Waging War. Within the themes, case studies provide context and insights. International conflicts are represented by the images and official records available in McMaster University Library’s archives. We invite you to explore Peace and War in the 20th Century.

World War, 1939-1945, German Concentration Camps and Prisons Collection

envelope, From: Wieczorek, Jadwiga  To: Bando, Stanislaw in Krakow (Poland) - Ravensbrück June 1942
letter, From: Szymanski, Franz To: Szymanski, Maria in Wojslawice , district Lublin, in Poland. - Sachsenhausen 2 November 1941
lettercard, From: Bernu, Auguste To: Madame Bernu, Auguste (his wife) - [field_prison_camp-formatted] Dec. 13 1943
lettercard, From: Prunis, Pierre To: Madame Mme Prunis, Marcelle - [field_prison_camp-formatted] Sep. 06 1942

World War, 1939-1945, German Concentration Camps and Prisons Collection. The collection has correspondences available from these camps: Arbeitsdorf, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Dondanen, Dora, Fallersleben, Floßenürg, Groß-Rosen, Gusen, Herzogenbusch, Janowska, Jungfernhof, Kaiserwalk, Kauen, Klooga, Kurtenhof, Lemberg, Lublin, Majdanek, Mauthausen, Mittelbau, Natzweiler, Neuengamme, Niederhagen, Plaszow, Ravenbrück, Riga, Sachsenhausen, Salapils, Sangerhausen, Struthof, Stuttof, Torgau, Vaivara, Vught, Warschau, and Wewelsberg.

Digital Russell

History of the war in the peninsula and in the south of France : from the year 1807 to the year 1814 / by Sir W.F.P. Napier.
Essays by Amberley / [compiled by John Russell Amberley ; many of the pamphlets by John Russell Amberley and Viscountess Amberley ]
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Werke : Vollständige Ausg. durch einen Verein von Freunden des Verewigten: D. Ph. Marheineke ... [et al.].
Johann Gottlieb Fichte's sämmtliche Werke / herausgegeben von J.H. Fichte.

McMaster University is home to the scholarly study of Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), British philosopher, logician, essayist, and renowned peace advocate. The Bertrand Russell Archives came to McMaster Library in 1968, where they are in the Ready Division of Archives and Research Collections. Russell's library is part of the Russell Archives, along with his correspondence, manuscripts, tapes, films, photographs, medals and permanently displayed writing desk.