Historical Perspectives on Canadian Publishing

Carleton Library: Important Works in the Humanities and Social Sciences [catalogue], 1969
Toronto Small Press Book Fair, 30 April & 1 May, 1994
Garbage delight / the poems were written by Dennis Lee ; the pictures were drawn by Frank Newfeld
Edited manuscript page from Austin Clarke's novel, More, 14 November 1990

This site features nearly 100 case studies – short essays written by Canadian scholars – on topics relating to Canadian publishing. The case studies are augmented with letters, photographs, multimedia, and other materials from publishers’ and authors’ archives at McMaster University Library, Queen’s University Archives, and The Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library (University of Toronto).

Peace & War in the 20th Century

Thompson, Gordon V. and Davis, William, Sheet music, 1917
Rubens, Paul A., Sheet music, 1914
Brittain, Vera, Diary, 7 October 1915
Ford, Walter, Letter, 13 August 1917

This interactive, thematic website on Peace and War in the 20th Century has been designed to be informative, educational and engaging. Its major themes have been organized into the opposing paths of Waging Peace and Waging War. Within the themes, case studies provide context and insights. International conflicts are represented by the images and official records available in McMaster University Library’s archives. We invite you to explore Peace and War in the 20th Century.

World War, 1939-1945, German Concentration Camps and Prisons Collection

postcard, From: Matern, Franz  To: Matern, Anna (or Matern family) in Witkau per Kamien, West Prussia - Buchenwald 6 July 1941
postcard, From: Witkowski, Johann To: Witkowski, Anna in Bromberg (Westphalia) - Sachsenhausen 3 August 1941
postcard, From: Porupka, Eduard  To: Porupka, Eduard in Poland - Sachsenhausen [December 1941]
[field_source-formatted], From: Wojno, Aleksander  To: Wojno, Stanistawa in Lublin, Pologne - Dachau 22 November 1942

World War, 1939-1945, German Concentration Camps and Prisons Collection. The collection has correspondences available from these camps: Arbeitsdorf, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Dondanen, Dora, Fallersleben, Floßenürg, Groß-Rosen, Gusen, Herzogenbusch, Janowska, Jungfernhof, Kaiserwalk, Kauen, Klooga, Kurtenhof, Lemberg, Lublin, Majdanek, Mauthausen, Mittelbau, Natzweiler, Neuengamme, Niederhagen, Plaszow, Ravenbrück, Riga, Sachsenhausen, Salapils, Sangerhausen, Struthof, Stuttof, Torgau, Vaivara, Vught, Warschau, and Wewelsberg.

Digital Russell

We call them criminals
Why Mr Bertrand Russell is not a Christian : an essay in controversy
Harrisson, Tom, 1911-1976., ,  1959;
Immanuel Kant's sämmtliche Werke : in chronologischer Reichenfolge / hrsg. von G. Hartenstein.

McMaster University is home to the scholarly study of Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), British philosopher, logician, essayist, and renowned peace advocate. The Bertrand Russell Archives came to McMaster Library in 1968, where they are in the Ready Division of Archives and Research Collections. Russell's library is part of the Russell Archives, along with his correspondence, manuscripts, tapes, films, photographs, medals and permanently displayed writing desk.