Russell Library

Johann Gottlieb Fichte's sämmtliche Werke / herausgegeben von J.H. Fichte.
Cambridge ancient history
Patriarcha, or, The natural power of kings / by Robert Filmer.
Life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman.
Full Title:
Creator: Miklós, Szabó.
Full Title: Abermals krähte der Hahn : eine kritische Kirchengeschichte von den Anfängen bis zu Pius XII / Karlheinz Deschner.
Creator: Deschner, Karlheinz.
Full Title:
Creator: Brailsford, Henry Noel, 1873-1958.
Full Title: Treatise of human nature / by David Hume ; reprinted from the original ed. in three volumes and ed., with an analytical index by L. A. Selby-Bigge.
Creator: Hume, David, 1711-1776., Selby-Bigge, L. A. (Lewis Amherst), Sir, 1860-1951.
Full Title:
Creator: Schrödinger, Erwin, 1887-1961.
Full Title: System of logic, ratiocinative and inductive : being a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investigation / by John Stuart Mill.
Creator: Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873.
Full Title: Alexander the Great / by W. W. Tarn.
Creator: Tarn, W. W. (William Woodthorpe), 1869-1957.
Full Title: Abrégé des Mémoires, ou, Journal du Marquis de Dangeau : extrait du manuscrit original, contenant beaucoup de particularités et d'anecdotes sur Louis XIV, sa cour, etc. / avec des notes historiques et critiques, et un abrégé de l'histoire de la régence par Mme de Genlis.
Creator: Dangeau, Philippe de Courcillon, marquis de, 1638-1720., Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité,$ccomtesse de, 1746-1830
Full Title: Abrégé des Mémoires, ou, Journal du Marquis de Dangeau : extrait du manuscrit original, contenant beaucoup de particularités et d'anecdotes sur Louis XIV, sa cour, etc. / avec des notes historiques et critiques, et un abrégé de l'histoire de la régence par Mme de Genlis.
Creator: Dangeau, Philippe de Courcillon, marquis de, 1638-1720., Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité, omtesse de, 1746-1830
Full Title:
Creator: Monkswell, Mary Josephine (Hardcastle) Collier, Baroness, 1849-1930.
Full Title: Treatise concerning heaven and hell : and of the wonderful things therein / as seen and heard by the honourable and learned Emanuel Swedenborg.
Creator: Swedenborg, Emanuel, 1688-1772.
Full Title: Abandon Spa Hot Springs / John Conrad Russell.
Creator: Russell, John Conrad, 1921-
Full Title: Absolute Geometrie : nach Johann Bolyai / bearbeitet von J. Frischauf.
Creator: Frischauf, Johannes, 1837-1924.
Full Title: Treatise on probability / by John Maynard Keynes.
Creator: Keynes, John Maynard, 1883-1946.
Full Title: Westerner looks east / by Prynce Hopkins.
Creator: Hopkins, Pryns, 1885-
Full Title: Abrégé des Mémoires, ou, Journal du Marquis de Dangeau : extrait du manuscrit original, contenant beaucoup de particularités et d'anecdotes sur Louis XIV, sa cour, etc. / avec des notes historiques et critiques, et un abrégé de l'histoire de la régence par Mme de Genlis.
Creator: Dangeau, Philippe de Courcillon, marquis de, 1638-1720., Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité,$ccomtesse de,$d1746-1830
Full Title:
Creator: Jørgensen, Jørgen, 1894-
Full Title:
Creator: Bottome, Phyllis, 1884-1963.
Full Title:
Creator: Lamb, Horace, Sir, 1849-1934.
Full Title:
Creator: Haley, J. Evetts (James Evetts), 1901-
Full Title:
Creator: Huxley, Francis.
Full Title:
Creator: Konstantakatos, Eleutherios Euang.
Full Title:
Creator: Zakaria, Rafiq, 1920-
Full Title:
Creator: Quine, W. V. (Willard Van Orman)
Full Title: Achilles in Scyros / by Robert Bridges.
Creator: Bridges, Robert Seymour, 1844-1930.
Full Title:
Creator: Herling-Grudzi{0144}ski, Gustaw, 1919-
Full Title: Treatise on conic sections : containing an account of some of the most important modern algebraic and geometric methods / by George Salmon.
Creator: Salmon, George, 1819-1904.
Full Title:
Creator: Carnap, Rudolf, 1891-1970.
Full Title: System of logic, ratiocinative and inductive : being a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investigation / by John Stuart Mill.
Creator: Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873.
Full Title:
Creator: Farley, R. (Richard)