Russell Library

Trois lecons sur les principes philosphiques et juridiques du mariage [and pamphlets by various authors / compiled by John Russell Amberley]
Concise encyclopaedia of music and musicians / edited by Martin Cooper.
Free discussion of religious topics [and pamphlets by various authors / compiled by John Russell Amberley]
Mémoires, correspondance et ouvrages inédits de Diderot / publiés d'aprés les manuscrits confiF0 65, en mourant, par l'auteur à Grimm.
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Creator: Maslow, Alexander.
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Creator: Waskow, Arthur I.
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Creator: Aptheker, Herbert, 1915-
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Creator: Colyer, William Thomas, 1883-
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Creator: Robertson, Dennis Holme, Sir, 1890-1963.
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Creator: Hsing, Lu.
Full Title: Abrégé des Mémoires, ou, Journal du Marquis de Dangeau : extrait du manuscrit original, contenant beaucoup de particularités et d'anecdotes sur Louis XIV, sa cour, etc. / avec des notes historiques et critiques, et un abrégé de l'histoire de la régence par Mme de Genlis.
Creator: Dangeau, Philippe de Courcillon, marquis de, 1638-1720., Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité, comtesse de, 1746-1830
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Creator: Boscovich, Ruggero Giuseppe, 1711-1787.
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Creator: Carnap, Rudolf, 1891-1970.
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Creator: Chang, Hsin-hai, 1898-
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Creator: Zakaria, Rafiq, 1920-
Full Title: Treatise of human nature / by David Hume ; reprinted from the original ed. in three volumes and ed., with an analytical index by L. A. Selby-Bigge.
Creator: Hume, David, 1711-1776., Selby-Bigge, L. A. (Lewis Amherst), Sir, 1860-1951.
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Creator: Herling-Grudzi{0144}ski, Gustaw, 1919-
Full Title: Algebra : an elementary text book for the higher classes of secondary schools and for colleges / by G. Chrystal
Creator: Chrystal, G. (George), 1851-1911.
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Creator: Huxley, Francis.
Full Title: Treatise on conic sections : containing an account of some of the most important modern algebraic and geometric methods / by George Salmon.
Creator: Salmon, George, 1819-1904.
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Creator: Jackson, Annabel Huth, 1870-
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Creator: Brailsford, Henry Noel, 1873-1958.
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Creator: Creasey, John.
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Creator: Hsing, Lu.
Full Title: Abinger harvest / by E. M. Forster.
Creator: Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan), 1879-1970.
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Creator: Infeld, Leopold, 1898-1968.
Full Title: Absolute Geometrie : nach Johann Bolyai / bearbeitet von J. Frischauf.
Creator: Frischauf, Johannes, 1837-1924.
Full Title: Analysis of religious belief / by Viscount Amberley.
Creator: Amberley, John Russell, Viscount, 1842-1876.
Full Title: Report of a meeting of the London National Society for Women's Suffrage, held at the Gallery of the Architectural Society in Conduit Street, Saturday, July 17th, 1869 [and pamphlets by various authors / compiled by John Russell Amberley]
Creator: Amberley, John Russell, Viscount, 1842-1876.
Full Title: Abrégé des Mémoires, ou, Journal du Marquis de Dangeau : extrait du manuscrit original, contenant beaucoup de particularités et d'anecdotes sur Louis XIV, sa cour, etc. / avec des notes historiques et critiques, et un abrégé de l'histoire de la régence par Mme de Genlis.
Creator: Dangeau, Philippe de Courcillon, marquis de, 1638-1720., Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité,$ccomtesse de, 1746-1830
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Creator: Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970.
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Creator: Larmor, Joseph, Sir, b. 1857.
Full Title: Westerner looks east / by Prynce Hopkins.
Creator: Hopkins, Pryns, 1885-
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Creator: Jørgensen, Jørgen, 1894-