Browse by Creator
- Anderson, Patrick, 1915-1979 (2)
- Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, 1939- (6)
- Baird, Irene (2)
- Ball, Nelson, 1942- (9)
- Barbarian Press (4)
- Barbeau, Marius, 1883-1969 (5)
- Bengough, J. W. (John Wilson), 1851-1923 (5)
- Berton, Pierre, 1920-2004 (6)
- Bigelow, Harold Eugene (2)
- Birney, Earle, 1904-1995 (3)
- Bissett, Bill, 1939- (3)
- Blake, W. H. (William Hume), 1861-1924 (3)
- Book Society of Canada (2)
- Bradley-Garretson Co (6)
- Brown & Gilmore, fl. 1764-1773 (printer) (3)
- Buck, Ruth Matheson, 1905- (8)
- Caccia, Gianni (3)
- Campbell, Maria, 1940- (2)
- Campbell, Wilfred, 1858?-1918 (8)
- Canadian Authors Association (2)
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (4)
- Carman, Bliss, 1861-1929 (20)
- Chamberlin, Agnes, 1833-1913 (7)
- Clarke, Austin, 1934- (17)
- Clarke, Irwin and Company Limited (3)
- Clarke, William Henry, 1902-1955 (2)
- Coach House Press (4)
- Cochrane, William, 1831-1898 (2)
- Cohen, Leonard, 1934- (4)
- Connor, Ralph, 1860-1937 (3)
- Copp, William Walter (2)
- Copp Clark Company (4)
- Crawford, Isabella Valancy, 1850-1887 (7)
- Crawley, Alan (4)
- Crean, Patrick, 1949- (3)
- Creighton, Donald Grant (2)
- Curry, J. W. (John W.), 1959- (3)
- Curvd H&Z (Firm) (2)
- Davies, Robertson, 1913-1995 (6)
- Deacon, William Arthur (13)
- De la Roche, Mazo, 1879-1961 (13)
- Dennys, Louise (3)
- Desbiens, Jean-Paul, 1927- (2)
- Dilworth, Ira, 1894-1962 (2)
- Dudek, Louis, 1918-2001 (2)
- D’Alfonso, Antonio, 1953- (2)
- Eayrs, Hugh S. (Hugh Sterling), 1894-1940 (4)
- Elsted, Crispin, 1947- (3)
- Elsted, Jan (2)
- Engel, Marian (13)
- Flower, George E. (George Edward), 1919- (2)
- (-) FLQ (1)
- Garner, Hugh, 1913-1979 (6)
- Garvin, John W. (John William), 1859-1935 (6)
- Geer, Charles (2)
- Gertler, Maynard (3)
- Gibson, Douglas M. (16)
- Grant, George Monro, 1835-1902 (2)
- Gray, John Morgan, 1907-1978 (6)
- Grey Owl, 1888-1938 (8)
- Grove, Frederick Philip, 1879-1948 (3)
- Guernica (Firm) (7)
- Guernica Editions (7)
- Gundy, H. Pearson (4)
- Harris, Christie (2)
- Harris, Marjorie, 1937- (8)
- Hémon, Louis, 1880-1913 (4)
- Hipworth, Sarah (2)
- Hovey, Richard, 1864-1900 (2)
- Humphreys, Helen, 1961- (7)
- Hurtig, Mel (2)
- Hurtig Publishers Ltd. (3)
- J.M. Dent & Sons (Canada) (2)
- Jefferys, Charles W. (Charles William), 1869-1951 (5)
- Johnson, E. Pauline, 1861-1913 (7)
- Johnston, Basil (7)
- Kane, Hugh (8)
- Keeling, Nora (4)
- Key Porter Books (10)
- Kirby, William, 1817-1906 (7)
- Kirkconnell, Watson, 1895-1977 (6)
- Lampman, Archibald, 1861-1899 (6)
- Laurence, Margaret (7)
- Lazarov, Peter Petkov, 1958- (4)
- Leacock, Stephen, 1869-1944 (7)
- Lee, Dennis, 1939- (6)
- Livesay, Dorothy, 1909-1996 (10)
- Lock, Fred (4)
- Lock, Margaret (7)
- Lysenko, Vera (3)
- M. G. Hurtig (3)
- MacDonald, Thoreau, 1901-1989 (13)
- Maclean-Hunter Limited (2)
- MacLennan, Hugh, 1907-1990 (2)
- MacLeod, Alistair (2)
- Macmillan, Frederick Orridge, 1851-1936 (2)
- Macmillan Company of Canada (40)
- MacSkimming, Roy, 1944- (10)
- Manguel, Alberto (4)
- McAllister, Ron, 1917- (3)
- McClelland & Goodchild (3)
- McClelland & Stewart (37)
- McClelland, Goodchild & Stewart (2)
- McClelland, Jack, 1922-2004 (28)
- McClung, Nellie L., 1873-1951 (3)
- McFarlane, Leslie, 1902- (2)
- Mickleburgh, Brita (3)
- Mitchell, W. O. (William Ormond), 1914-1998 (2)
- Montgomery, L. M. (Lucy Maud), 1874-1942 (10)
- Monture, Ethel Brant, 1894-1977 (6)
- Morehouse, Frederick G. (2)
- Mowat, Farley (11)
- Munro, Alice (2)
- Musson Book Company (2)
- Neale, Gladys E. (2)
- Newfeld, Frank, 1928- (6)
- Newman, Peter Charles (2)
- Nichol, B. P., 1944-1988 (6)
- Ondaatje, Michael, 1943- (2)
- Oxley, J. Macdonald (James Macdonald), 1855-1907 (2)
- Page, P. K. (Patricia Kathleen), 1916- (2)
- Peter Martin Associates (5)
- Pierce, Lorne, 1890-1961 (11)
- Porter, Anna (11)
- Pratt, E. J. (Edwin John), 1882-1964 (13)
- Purdy, Al, 1918- (6)
- Random House of Canada (3)
- Roberts, Charles George Douglas, Sir, 1860-1943 (12)
- Ross, Malcolm (2)
- Roy, Gabrielle, 1909-1983 (2)
- Ryerson Press (2)
- Scheffler, Ron (3)
- Schoemperlen, Diane (3)
- Scott, Duncan Campbell, 1862-1947 (6)
- Skvorecky, Josef, 1924- (2)
- Sonley, Jay (2)
- Souster, Raymond, 1921- (4)
- Toronto Small Press Book Fair (2)
- Toronto Small Press Group (12)
- Traill, Catherine Parr, 1802-1899 (5)
- University of British Columbia. Dept. of Creative Writing (2)
- Watson, Sheila, 1909- (4)
- Webb, Phyllis, 1927- (2)
- Weed Flower Press (7)
- Woodcock, George, 1912- (2)
- Writers' Union of Canada (2)
- Young, Scott, 1918- (2)
- [Bookseller and Stationer] (2)
- [Guernica (Firm)] (5)
- [Guernica Editions] (5)
- [Lilley, George E.O.] (2)
- [Macmillan Company of Canada] (2)
- [McClelland & Stewart] (4)