Peace and War in the 20th Century


Waging Peace

Waging War


Random Highlights


A young man who had not yet found his artistic path, never gets that chance. Julian Gould’s great artistic ability was evident from his teenage years. He volunteered for service in the First World War and was killed before he had the chance to establish himself.


Established in Toronto in 1935, the Canadian Youth Congress “expressed the thought of awakened and intelligent youth” in favour of peace. The movement, claiming some four hundred thousand members at its height, faced almost insuperable odds as first the Spanish Civil War and then the Second World War broke out.


For a young man from a large Hamilton family, the First World War must have represented the chance to see the world. An athlete, he adapted quickly to life as a machine gunner in training in England, and he was sent to the front in the spring of 1917.