Case Study
- (-) '"The Queen Bee of the Canadian Book Trade": Anna Porter and Key Porter Books'
- 'Agnes FitzGibbon Subscription Books for Canadian Wild Flowers'
- 'Agnes FitzGibbon Subscription Books for Canadian Wild Flowers' ; 'The Story of Canadian Wild Flowers'
- 'Alan Crawley and Contemporary Verse'
- 'Bliss Carman: A Life in Literary Publishing'
- 'Bradley-Garretson Company Limited'
- 'Bradley-Garretson Subscription Publishers'
- 'Canadian Book Fairs'
- 'Censorship in Canada'
- 'Censorship in Canada' ; ' Lorne Pierce of the Ryerson Press and Vera Lysenko’s Men in Sheepskin Coats (1947): Resisting the “Red Scare”'
- 'Copyright and Publishing'
- 'Copyright and Publishing' ; 'The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
- 'Jack McClelland, McClelland & Stewart ; Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
- 'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart' 'Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
- 'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart' ; 'Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
- 'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Publishers' Catalogues'
- 'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
- 'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
- 'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
- 'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Royalties and the Rails: Pierre Berton's Railway Books'
- 'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Translators of Canada: Paul Wilson, Wayne Grady, and David Lobdell ; William Arthur Deacon: Reviewing, Advertising, and Publishers'
- 'Job Printing and a Town Newspaper: The Collingwood Bulletin'
- 'Mazo de la Roche and the Atlantic Monthly Award'
- 'Men of the Cloth and the Book: E.J. Pratt and Lorne Pierce'
- 'New Business: The Impact of Fifth Business on Roberston Davies's Relationship with his Canadian Publishers'
- 'Privately Published by the Pauline Johnson Trust'
- 'Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
- 'Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
- 'Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books' ; 'The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
- 'Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books ; Copp Clark Company'
- 'Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books ; Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart'
- 'Publishing for Children: McClelland & Stewart's Long Legacy' ; 'Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
- 'Royalties and the Rails: Pierre Berton’s Railway Books'
- 'Royalties and the Rails: Pierre Berton’s Railway Books' ; 'Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
- 'Royalties and the Rails: Pierre Berton’s Railway Books' ; 'The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
- 'Royalties and the Rails: Pierre Berton’s Railway Books ; Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
- 'Small Press Book Distribution: Toronto Small Press Book Fair'
- 'The Business of an Eighteenth-Century Printing Office: The Neilson Paybook'
- 'The Canadian 'Pocket Book,' 1940-1980 ; Clarke, Irwin & Company Limited'
- 'The Canadian 'Pocket Book,' 1940-1980 ; Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart'
- 'The Canadian 'Pocket Book,' 1940-1980 ; The Boat Who Wouldn’t Float – The Happy Adventure of Farley Mowat and Jack McClelland'
- 'The Canadian 'Pocket Book,' 1940-1980'
- 'The Censorship of Margaret Laurence's The Diviners, 1976-1985 ; Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart'
- 'The Censorship of Margaret Laurence's The Diviners, 1976-1985'
- 'The Censorship of Margaret Laurence’s The Diviners, 1976-1985' ; 'Censorship in Canada'
- 'The Rise of the Small Press Movement in Canada'
- 'William Arthur Deacon: Reviewing, Advertising, and Publishers'
- 'William Arthur Deacon: Reviewing, Advertising, and Publishers ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
- 'William Kirby and Copyright: The Publication History of The Golden Dog'
- 'William Kirby and Copyright: The Publication History The Golden Dog'
- Censorship in Canada