German Concentration Camps & Prisons
Jewish Underground Resistance
The McMaster Collection
Richard Sylvan
No clouds of glory / Marian Engel
The Honeyman festival; a novel
Monodromos / Marian Engel
Inside the Easter egg / Marian Engel
Letter from Marian Engel to Ron Evans (Ontario Arts Council), 16 February 1974
Letter from Marian Engel to "Mr. Beatty", 25 June 1974
Letter from Marian Engel to Jean Wright (Chatelaine Magazine), 26 June 1974
Letter from Hugh MacLennan to Marian Engel, 10 February 1974
Letter from Jack McClelland (McClelland & Stewart) to Marian Engel, 12 January 1976, re Bear
Letter from Marian Engel to Pauline and Don McGibbon, 10 January 1976
Letter from Jack McClelland (McClelland & Stewart) to Marian Engel, 6 November 1979
Bear / Marian Engel
Bear : a novel / by Marian Engel (preview copy)
The glassy sea / by Marian Engel
Lunatic villas / Marian Engel
Case Study
'"Carefully Drawn by Thoreau MacDonald" ; The Prodigious Career of Charles G.D. Roberts'
'"Dreaming of the Millions": Austin Clarke's More'
'"The Boat Who Wouldn't Float: The Happy Adventure of Farley Mowat and Jack McClelland"'
'Alberto Manguel and Louise Dennus: An Editing Match'
'Alberto Manguel and Louise Dennys: An Editing Match'
'Al Purdy: Canadian Nationalism and The New Romans'
'Archibald Lampman'
'Bliss Carman: A Life in Literary Publishing'
'Deemed "authentic": Basil H. Johnston'
'Diane Schoemperlen'
'Diane Schoemperlen ; A Concise History and Video Tour of Coach House Press'
'Donald Creighton, John Gray, and the Making of Macdonald'
'Dorothy Livesay and "Call My People Home" (with audio recording)'
'Ethel Brant Monture: “A One-Woman Crusade”'
'Ethel Brant Monture: “A One-Woman Crusade”' ; '"Yours Aboriginally": Twentieth-Century Aboriginal Authorship in Canada
'Grey Owl and His Publishers'
'Helen Humphreys's Toronto Mythologies'
'How Sheila Watson's The Double Hook Caught On'
'Hugh Garner: The "One Man Trade Union" of Publishing (with audio recording)'
'In Canada and Abroad: The Diverse Publishing Career of George Woodcock'
'Isabella Valancy Crawford'
'J. Macdonald Oxley's Record of Literary Achievement'
'L.M. Montgomery and Her Publishers'
'Lorne Pierce of the Ryerson Press and Vera Lysenko's Men in Sheepskin Coats (1947): Resisting the "Red Scare"'
'Lover of Empire: William Wilfred Campbell'
'Lover of Empire: William Wilfred Campbell ; Archibald Lampman'
'Margaret Atwood, Dennis Lee and the Survival of Canadian Literature'
'Maria Campbell's Halfbreed: "Biography with a purpose"'
'Marian Engel: A Life in Writing'
'Marius Barbeau and the History of Anthropological and Folklore Publishing'
'Mazo de la Roche and the Atlantic Monthly Award'
'Men of the Cloth and the Book: E.J. Pratt and Lorne Pierce'
'Nellie McClung's Literary Legacy'
'Nellie McClung’s Literary Legacy'
'New Business: The Impact of Fifth Business on Roberston Davies's Relationship with his Canadian Publishers'
'Nora Keeling: The Life of a Short Story Writer'
'Privately Published by the Pauline Johnson Trust'
'Publishing for Children: McClelland & Stewart's Long Legacy ; The Boat Who Wouldn’t Float – The Happy Adventure of Farley Mowat and Jack McClelland'
'Ruth Buck and the publication of Edward Ahenakew's Voices of the Plains Cree'
'Stephen Leacock and His Publishers'
'The Boat Who Wouldn't Float - The Happy Adventure of Farley Mowat and Jack McClelland'
'The Canadian 'Pocket Book,' 1940-1980 ; The Boat Who Wouldn’t Float – The Happy Adventure of Farley Mowat and Jack McClelland'
'The Censorship of Margaret Laurence's The Diviners, 1976-1985'
'The Perilous Trade Collection, with Audio Interviews ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century ; Alberto Manguel and Louise Dennys: An Editing Match'
'The Poet and the Publisher: Duncan Campbell Scott and Lorne Pierce'
'The Prodigious Career of Charles G.D. Roberts'
'The Publication of Alistair MacLeod's The Lost Salt Gift of Blood'
Alberto Manguel and Louise Dennys: An Editing Match
In Canada and Abroad: The Diverse Publishing Career of George Woodcock
L.M. Montgomery and Her Publishers
Publishing and Canadian Identity
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