German Concentration Camps & Prisons
Jewish Underground Resistance
The McMaster Collection
Richard Sylvan
More "very young" songs : from "When we were very young" and " Now we are six" / words by A.A. Milne ; music by H. Fraser-Simson
Photograph of books from Macmillan of Canada's "Great Stories of Canada" series, [November, 1960]
Press release from Margaret Mavins (Canadian Library Association) to the Publishers, 6 May 1976
Memo from Lily Miller to J.G. McClelland, 29 January 1973, re Jacob Two-Two and the Two-Faced Green Grocer
Case Study
'"Carefully Drawn by Thoreau MacDonald"'
'"Dreaming of the Millions": Austin Clarke's More'
'"In Kamloops I'll eat your boots": Dennis Lee's Alligator Pie'
'"The Queen Bee of the Canadian Book Trade": Anna Porter and Key Porter Books' ; 'Gardening in the Great White North: Marjorie Harris's The Canadian Gardener ; The Perilous Trade Collection, with Audio Interviews'
'"Yours Aboriginally": Twentieth-Century Aboriginal Authorship in Canada'
'Al Purdy: Canadian Nationalism and The New Romans'
'Bringing CanLit into the Classroom—Brita Mickleburgh’s Canadian Literature: Two Centuries in Prose'
'Canada Reads and the Atwood Archives'
'Deemed "authentic": Basil H. Johnston'
'Ethel Brant Monture: “A One-Woman Crusade”'
'Ethel Brant Monture: “A One-Woman Crusade”' ; '"Yours Aboriginally": Twentieth-Century Aboriginal Authorship in Canada
'Gardening in the Great White North: Marjorie Harris's The Canadian Gardener'
'Helen Humphreys's Toronto Mythologies'
'Hockey Books and Canadian Culture'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Translators of Canada: Paul Wilson, Wayne Grady, and David Lobdell ; William Arthur Deacon: Reviewing, Advertising, and Publishers'
'Maria Campbell's Halfbreed: "Biography with a purpose"'
'Marian Engel: A Life in Writing'
'Marius Barbeau and the History of Anthropological and Folklore Publishing'
'Privately Published by the Pauline Johnson Trust'
'Publishing for Children: McClelland & Stewart's Long Legacy'
'Publishing for Children: McClelland & Stewart's Long Legacy' ; 'Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Ruth Buck and the publication of Edward Ahenakew's Voices of the Plains Cree' ; '"Yours Aboriginally": Twentieth-Century Aboriginal Authorship in Canada'
'Sixty Eight Publishers'
'The Canadian 'Pocket Book,' 1940-1980'
'The Governor General's Literary Awards'
'Translators of Canada: Paul Wilson, Wayne Grady, and David Lobdell'
Canada Reads and the Atwood Archives
Publishing Houses and the Periodical Press
Publishing and Canadian Identity
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Publishers' Catalogues