German Concentration Camps & Prisons
Jewish Underground Resistance
The McMaster Collection
Richard Sylvan
Thoreau MacDonald's cover drawing for The iceberg and other poems / by Charles G.D. Roberts
Letter from Charles W. Jefferys to [Ryerson Press] re Economic History Readers
Staff of Archives and Research Collections, McMaster University Library, 8 October 2009
Launch Event Photographs, 8 October 2009
Isabella Valancy Crawford / [edited] by Katherine Hale (Mrs. John Garvin)
John A. Macdonald / by Donald Creighton
The iceberg and other poems / by Charles G.D. Roberts
Letter from Patrick Anderson to Jack McClelland (M&S) re publication of The Colour as Naked, 1953
Photostat of cover pattern from James Wreford Watson's Of Time and the Lover, designed by Paul Arthur, published 1950
Portrait of William Wilfred Campbell from Wilfred Campbell : a study in late provincial Victorianism / by Carl F. Klinck
Behind the arras : a book of the unseen / with designs by T. B. Meteyard
Songs from Vagabondia [by] Bliss Carman [and] Richard Hovey ; designs by Tom B. Meteyard
Low tide on Grand Pré; a book of lyrics, by Bliss Carman
Bliss Carman's poems
Letters of Bliss Carman / edited by H. Pearson Gundy, with photographs of Carman
The selected poems of Bliss Carman / edited and with an introduction by Lorne Pierce
Ballads and lyrics / by Bliss Carman
Ode on the coronation of King Edward / by Bliss Carman
Pipes of Pan / by Bliss Carman
Pipes of Pan / by Bliss Carman
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Case Study
"To Dress Our Letters in Such Strong Fancy": The Indian File Poetry Series
'"Carefully Drawn by Thoreau MacDonald"'
'"Carefully Drawn by Thoreau MacDonald" ; The Prodigious Career of Charles G.D. Roberts'
'"The Queen Bee of the Canadian Book Trade": Anna Porter and Key Porter Books'
'A Concise History and Video Tour of Coach House Press ; Stan Bevington: The Making of a Master Printer with Audio Interview ; Coach House Press: Crucible of Electronic Publishing Technology'
'Agnes FitzGibbon Subscription Books for Canadian Wild Flowers'
'Agnes FitzGibbon Subscription Books for Canadian Wild Flowers' ; 'The Story of Canadian Wild Flowers'
'Alan Crawley and Contemporary Verse'
'An "Artist of Standing": C.W. Jefferys and Historical Illustration in Canada'
'An "Artist of standing": C.W. Jeffrerys and Historical Illustration in Canada'
'An “Artist of standing”: C.W. Jefferys and Historical Illustration in Canada'
'Barbarian Press'
'Bliss Carman: A Life in Literary Publishing'
'Bradley-Garretson Company Limited'
'Bradley-Garretson Subscription Publishers'
'Canadian Book Fairs'
'Censorship in Canada'
'Censorship in Canada' ; ' Lorne Pierce of the Ryerson Press and Vera Lysenko’s Men in Sheepskin Coats (1947): Resisting the “Red Scare”'
'Coach House Press: Crucible of Electronic Publishing Technology'
'Copyright and Publishing'
'Copyright and Publishing' ; 'The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Donald Creighton, John Gray, and the Making of Macdonald'
'Grey Owl and His Publishers'
'Indian File Series'
'Isabella Valancy Crawford'
'Jack McClelland, McClelland & Stewart ; Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart' 'Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart' ; 'Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Publishers' Catalogues'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Royalties and the Rails: Pierre Berton's Railway Books'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Translators of Canada: Paul Wilson, Wayne Grady, and David Lobdell ; William Arthur Deacon: Reviewing, Advertising, and Publishers'
'Job Printing and a Town Newspaper: The Collingwood Bulletin'
'Lover of Empire: William Wilfred Campbell'
'Marius Barbeau and the History of Anthropological and Folklore Publishing'
'Mazo de la Roche and the Atlantic Monthly Award'
'Men of the Cloth and the Book: E.J. Pratt and Lorne Pierce'
'New Business: The Impact of Fifth Business on Roberston Davies's Relationship with his Canadian Publishers'
'Privately Published by the Pauline Johnson Trust'
'Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books' ; 'The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books ; Copp Clark Company'
'Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books ; Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart'
'Publishing for Children: McClelland & Stewart's Long Legacy' ; 'Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Royalties and the Rails: Pierre Berton’s Railway Books'
'Royalties and the Rails: Pierre Berton’s Railway Books' ; 'Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Royalties and the Rails: Pierre Berton’s Railway Books' ; 'The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Royalties and the Rails: Pierre Berton’s Railway Books ; Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Small Press Book Distribution: Toronto Small Press Book Fair'
'The Business of an Eighteenth-Century Printing Office: The Neilson Paybook'
'The Canadian 'Pocket Book,' 1940-1980 ; Clarke, Irwin & Company Limited'
'The Canadian 'Pocket Book,' 1940-1980 ; Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart'
'The Canadian 'Pocket Book,' 1940-1980 ; The Boat Who Wouldn’t Float – The Happy Adventure of Farley Mowat and Jack McClelland'
'The Canadian 'Pocket Book,' 1940-1980'
'The Censorship of Margaret Laurence's The Diviners, 1976-1985 ; Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart'
'The Censorship of Margaret Laurence's The Diviners, 1976-1985'
'The Censorship of Margaret Laurence’s The Diviners, 1976-1985' ; 'Censorship in Canada'
'The Prodigious Career of Charles G.D. Roberts'
'The Rise of the Small Press Movement in Canada'
'The Story of Canadian Wild Flowers'
'William Arthur Deacon: Reviewing, Advertising, and Publishers'
'William Arthur Deacon: Reviewing, Advertising, and Publishers ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'William Kirby and Copyright: The Publication History of The Golden Dog'
'William Kirby and Copyright: The Publication History The Golden Dog'
Censorship in Canada
Letter from Queensland Bookbinders Guild to Margaret Lock, 18 May 1983, re 'Books and Bindings'
Publishing Houses and the Periodical Press
People in Publishing
Publishing and Canadian Identity
The Business of Publishing
Production (Design, Illustration, Technology)
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Publishers' Catalogues