German Concentration Camps & Prisons
Jewish Underground Resistance
The McMaster Collection
Richard Sylvan
Professional books : a catalogue for junior & senior high school teachers, 1973 / Clarke Irwin
Clarke Irwin backlist
Bread, wine and salt / by Alden Nowlan
Letter from W.H. Clarke to Mrs. Clarke, R.W.W. Robertson, 9 March 1951
Letter from Ira Dilworth to R.W.W. Robertson, 11 September 1951, re Book of Small and A Little Town and a Little Girl
Klee Wyck / by Emily Carr ; with a foreword by Ira Dilworth
Living latin / by B. C. Taylor [and] K. E. Prentice
The suicide murders : a Benny Cooperman mystery / Howard Engel
Living latin : a workbook for first year / G. M. C. Dale [and] J G. Gordon
Eros at breakfast, and other plays. With an introd. by Tyrone Guthrie
Number highways : highway -- 3 / by M.E. LaZerte and G.S. Lord
Tit-coq / Translated from the French by Kenneth Johnstone in co-operation with the author
La petite chèvre de M. Seguin : story edition / presented by Annick Le Marchand ; illustrated by John Mardon
A necklace of raindrops, and other stories / illustrated by Jan Pienkowski
The firebrand : William Lyon Mackenzie and the rebellion in Upper Canada / William Kilbourn
So little for the mind / by Hilda Neatby
The wars / Timothy Findley
54-40 or fight! Jackdaw C-28 / written and compiled by Marjorie Wilkins Campbell
Four decades : the Canadian Group of Painters and their contemporaries, 1930-1970 / [by] Paul Duval
A. Y.'s Canada. Pencil drawings by A. Y. Jackson
Case Study
'"Dreaming of the Millions": Austin Clarke's More'
'A Concise History and Video Tour of Coach House Press'
'A Concise History and Video Tour of Coach House Press ; Stan Bevington: The Making of a Master Printer with Audio Interview'
'A Concise History and Video Tour of Coach House Press ; Stan Bevington: The Making of a Master Printer with Audio Interview ; Coach House Press: Crucible of Electronic Publishing Technology'
'Barbarian Press: Endgrain Editions'
'Bradley-Garretson Company Limited'
'Catching Sight of the Battle: Gladys Neale's Rise to the Top of Educational Publishing (with audio recording)'
'Chatelaine Magazine'
'Clarke, Irwin & Company Limited'
'Clarke, Irwin & Company Limited ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Copp Clark Company'
'Copyright and Publishing'
'Copyright and Publishing' ; 'The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'CURVD H&z and Avant-Garde/Small Press Publishing in Canada'
'CURVD H&z and Avant-Garde/Small Press Publishing in Canada ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Diane Schoemperlen ; A Concise History and Video Tour of Coach House Press'
'Ethel Brant Monture: “A One-Woman Crusade”'
'Garamond Press'
'Guernica Editions'
'Guernica Editions ; Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Guernica Editions ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Harvest House'
'How Sheila Watson's The Double Hook Caught On'
'Hugh Garner: The "One Man Trade Union" of Publishing (with audio recording)'
'Hugh Kane: "The Compleat Bookman"' ; 'The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Isabella Valancy Crawford'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Locks’ Press, the private press of Fred and Margaret Lock, Kingston, Ontario: A Personal Narrative'
'Lorne Pierce of the Ryerson Press and Vera Lysenko's Men in Sheepskin Coat (1947): Resisting the "Red Scare" ; The Birth of The Ryerson Press Imprint'
'Lorne Pierce of the Ryerson Press and Vera Lysenko's Men in Sheepskin Coat (1947): Resisting the "Red Scare" ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Marius Barbeau and the History of Anthropological and Folklore Publishing'
'Nora Keeling: The Life of a Short Story Writer'
'Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books ; Copp Clark Company'
'Publishing for Children: McClelland & Stewart's Long Legacy'
'Publishing for Children: McClelland & Stewart's Long Legacy ; The Boat Who Wouldn’t Float – The Happy Adventure of Farley Mowat and Jack McClelland'
'Queen's Quarterly'
'Queen's Quarterly: Fostering Canadian Cultural Identity'
'Queen’s Quarterly: Fostering Canadian Cultural Identity'
'Royalties and the Rails: Pierre Berton’s Railway Books' ; 'The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Royalties and the Rails: Pierre Berton’s Railway Books ; Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Saturday Night: Canada's Oldest General Interest Magazine'
'Saturday Night: Canada’s Oldest General Interest Magazine'
'Sixty Eight Publishers'
'The Birth of the Ryerson Press Imprint'
'The Birth of the Ryerson Press Imprint' ; 'The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'The Canadian 'Pocket Book,' 1940-1980 ; Clarke, Irwin & Company Limited'
'The Macmillan Company of Canada'
'The Macmillan Company of Canada' ; 'Publishers' Catalogues'
'The Macmillan Company of Canada ; Catching Sight of the Battle: Gladys Neale's Rise to the Top of Education Publishing (with audio recording)'
'The Macmillan Company of Canada ; Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'The Perilous Trade Collection, with Audio Interviews ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century ; Alberto Manguel and Louise Dennys: An Editing Match'
'The Poetic Achievement of Contact Press (1952-1967)'
'The Prospectus of the Quebec Gazette/La Gazette de Québec'
'The Rise of the Small Press Movement in Canada'
'William Arthur Deacon: Reviewing, Advertising, and Publishers ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
A Concise History and Video Tour of Coach House Press
Copp Clark Company
Queen's Quarterly
The Poetic Achievement of Contact Press (1952-1967)
Publishing Houses and the Periodical Press
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Dust Jackets
Publishers' Catalogues