Letter from E.J. Pratt to Lorne Pierce, 24 January 1949
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection
Rights and Contributing Institution
Calvert C. Pratt
Waterford Bridge Road
St. John's, Nfld.
January 24, 1949
My dear Lorne:
I should be glad to offer the poem entitled Newfoundland in the revised form as it appears on 165 in the Collected Poems. It is the only substantive poem that I have written on the country itself and as it is in the form of an Ode, it might send your purpose. I haven't anything quite new and as I am marking twice as hard as at any other time of my life I cannot see any leisure ahead.
The feeling against Confederation is running so high down here that I wouldn't touch the issue (or comment on its benefits etc. etc) with a pole as long as from Gander Air Port to London and back to Ottawa. In my addresses I steer clear of it as I am no economist anyway. There is the reason why a poem like Newfoundland would be much preferable to a Foreword which, [where?] any teeth in it at all, would have to refer to the union, the future and so on.
I shall be back in Toronto after few days. They arranged a schedule here for me three times as big as was formerly agreed on.
As Ever
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