Letter from Gabrielle [Roy] to [William Arthur] Deacon, 30 October 1955
2 p. ;
William Arthur Deacon
Rights and Contributing Institution
Quebec, October 30th, 1955
Dear Bill,
Although I can't see how I remind you so much of Flaubert who was a very determined novelist leading his character by the hand and just where he wished them to go - whereas I like to follow them wherever they decide to go and try to wait for them to reveal themselves to me - in spite of this comparison, my dear Bill, I do like your study of The Cashier very much, and I thank you for it most sincerely.
I specially thank you for this sentence: "... which finally show the reader that Chenevert invariably did the best he could in his cruelly limiting circumstances."
If we understood others fully, completely, we would seldom judge or condemn, would we not? Such is the vocation of the novelist, it seems to me: to plead for better and better understanding. In any case you have well understood the strange little man[.] And about myself you write lovely things which I would like to deserve, indeed.
How is Sally? The children and grand-children? I would dearly love to see you all again.
As you probably know La Petite Poule d'eau has been accepted as a text book by the Board of Education of Ontario.
What a lovely triumph! I think that, in the beginning, you labored and worked towards this achievement, and I'm happy to express my gratitude to you for those efforts which maybe started the ball rolling.
Yours sincerely
[street address]
Quebec. P.Q.
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