Notes written by Jack McClelland for his memoir, 1992
Jack McClelland recorded these notes during a two-day visit to McMaster University, 21-22 October, 1992, at which time he examined his archival papers and those of McClelland & Stewart.
Jack McClelland fonds
Rights and Contributing Institution
Send Carl my Florida address for photocopies.
June 5, 1974 - Joyce feels a younger translator should do Bonheur [d'Occasion]
Oct 26/72 - Invitation to Gab to come to T/O at our expense for meet with Joyce M and 1/2 hour TV interview with me on cable - Canada's greatest living author. Callaghan, Maclennan, Richler, Cohen, etc.
March 22/74 - letter to Joyce re new translate of Tin Flute
re her belief we want John Glassco - untrue
no decision
Fall 77 - directions to Gab. 1 1/2 hours past St Anne de Beaupre [?] Baie St. Paul road Petite Riviere St Francois [detailed directions to Roy's residence]
Sept 12/77 - Linda refers to Alan Brown transl of Diane Giguere
will do new novel & retransl Tin Flute
Aug 23 - Ken Glazier, chief lib[rarian] Univ of Calgary - Laurence & Lemelin committed to attend
17.2.77 Note from Alan Brown "she doesn't really like strong [titles?]. Just as in her
stories she never says anything is bad or nasty, but shows gently how it is just that."
Dec 20/[76] letter to GR re her piece in Globe
June 16/78 congratulated her on Molson award
Related Information
Case Study
'"The Boat Who Wouldn't Float: The Happy Adventure of Farley Mowat and Jack McClelland"'
McMaster University
McClelland & Stewart Ltd. fonds
28 January 1960
Material Type
letter (typescript)