Letter from Jack Stoddart to Robert Huckvale (Macmillan Company of Canada), 19 November 1944, re post-war employment
Letter from Jack Stoddart to Robert Huckvale regarding post-war employment. Stoddart joined Macmillan as a sales rep, later becoming sales manager. He bought General Publishing Co. in 1957, Musson in 1967, and founded the Paperjacks (later acquired by his daughter, Susan) and Bonanza imprints. His son, also Jack Stoddart, ran General Publishing Co. and its offshoot, General Distributions Services, adding his own Stoddart imprint to form what became the largest publishing and distribution group in Canada until its collapse in 2002.
Macmillan Company of Canada fonds
Rights and Contributing Institution
#4 B.&G. - R.C.A.F.
Fingal, Ont.
November 19, 1944
Mr. Robt. Huckvale - President,
The Macmillan Co. of Canada Limited,
70 Bond St. - Toronto, Ont.
Dear Mr. Huckvale,
Our recent talk about the "Air-Force" releasing some of the it's personell [sic] was very timely. You have likely read, in the press, their policy.
Naturally I cannot say when I will be discharged; but I am making out the application forms immediately. I would appreciate it Mr. Huckvale, if you, as President of the firm, would send me a letter confirming the fact that you desire my services upon discharge.
Your idea that I should ready myself for a certain sales job gave me a great deal of satisfaction. It lets me know that you remember me and my work; and it speaks well for the future; because I shall start with the feeling that my employer appreciates progress.
It seems that I talk "money matters" to you often; but as Treasurer I suppose you expect that. However, I would consider it a favour if you would give my future financial remuneration some thought; so that when we come to discuss the case, we may have a foundation laid.
You may be interested to know that I finished the recent "Victory Loan" by making the greatest sale ever, on this camp. Let us hope we can continue such sales, but with Macmillan books, after the war.
Jack Stoddart
Related Information
Publishing Houses and the Periodical Press
Case Study
'The Macmillan Company of Canada'
McMaster University
Macmillan Company of Canada fonds
10 November 1972
Material Type
press release