Letter from Archibald Lampman to H.E. Scudder, Atlantic Monthly, 4 December 1894
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection
Rights and Contributing Institution
P.O. Dept. 1894
Ottawa 4/Dec '94
Dear Mr. Scudder,
The prospect of publication which I had last spring & which I think I mentioned to you in a letter, is apparently vanishing into the very thin air that absorbs all our hopes in that effect.
Therefore I am going to try your firm again this time with a volume of sonnets - a c? of sonnets -
I believe that I could not make any selection from my work which would be more varied [sic] or more interesting than this.
Certainly these sonnets busy themselves will a lot of subjects and as regards to workmanship I can do nothing better.
I hope that this book may be read and decided upon soon. my m.s.s. have been generally detained by publishing houses over such long periods that at the present rate it will take a lifetime to get my stuff to the proper quarter.
Please give my best wishes to Mrs. Scudder and your daughter. Christmas is near enough for me to wish you a happy one.
Yours sincerely,
A. Lampman
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