German Concentration Camps & Prisons
Jewish Underground Resistance
The McMaster Collection
Richard Sylvan
Notes written by Jack McClelland for his memoir, 1992
A working outline of Jack McClelland's memoir: "My rose garden", [December 1993]
Letter from J.G. (Jack) McClelland to John McClelland, 10 March 1944
Lieutenant Jake [Jack] McClelland, R.C.N.V.R., 23 May 1944
University of Toronto Schools, British History Notebook
Mathematical and physical tables / prepared by John B. Clark
The Twig, 1934
Order list of new books / McClelland & Goodchild Limited
Utile dulci : the first decade at Barbarian Press, 1977-1987 : a history & bibliography / by Crispin Elsted
Letter from International Novelty Co. to Copp Clark, 12 November 1898, re Ouija Talking Board
Letter from H. Pearson Gundy (The Librarian, Queen's University) to Lorne Pierce
"The Two Lives of Stephen Miles - Kingston's First Printer"
Photograph of H.P. Gundy
Six hundred and eighty pounds of pi / H.P. Gundy, 14 November 1959
"A harvest of books by French writers in Canada", True North, March [197-?]
The impertinences of Brother Anonymous
Poster promoting French Writers of Canada series by Harvest House
Letter from Maynard Gertler (Harvest House) to Anne Hébert, 9 December 1971
Books, for November 1919 / McClelland & Stewart
Letter from Maynard Gertler (Harvest House) to Naim Kattan (The Canada Council), 17 June 1971 re Anne Hébert's Le Torre
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'"Dreaming of the Millions": Austin Clarke's More'
'"The Queen Bee of the Canadian Book Trade": Anna Porter and Key Porter Books'
'"The Queen Bee of the Canadian Book Trade": Anna Porter and Key Porter Books' ; 'Gardening in the Great White North: Marjorie Harris's The Canadian Gardener ; The Perilous Trade Collection, with Audio Interviews'
'A Concise History and Video Tour of Coach House Press'
'A Concise History and Video Tour of Coach House Press ; Stan Bevington: The Making of a Master Printer with Audio Interview'
'A Concise History and Video Tour of Coach House Press ; Stan Bevington: The Making of a Master Printer with Audio Interview ; Coach House Press: Crucible of Electronic Publishing Technology'
'Archibald Lampman'
'Barbarian Press: Endgrain Editions'
'Bradley-Garretson Company Limited'
'Catching Sight of the Battle: Gladys Neale's Rise to the Top of Educational Publishing'
'Catching Sight of the Battle: Gladys Neale's Rise to the Top of Educational Publishing (with audio recording)'
'Chatelaine Magazine'
'Clarke, Irwin & Company Limited'
'Clarke, Irwin & Company Limited ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Copp Clark Company'
'Copyright and Publishing'
'Copyright and Publishing' ; 'The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'CURVD H&z and Avant-Garde/Small Press Publishing in Canada'
'CURVD H&z and Avant-Garde/Small Press Publishing in Canada ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Diane Schoemperlen'
'Diane Schoemperlen ; A Concise History and Video Tour of Coach House Press'
'Douglas Gibson Books and Alice Munro, with Editorial Audio Recordings by Douglas Gibson'
'Douglas Gibson Books and Alice Munro, with Editorial Audio Recordings by Douglas Gibson ; Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart'
'Ethel Brant Monture: “A One-Woman Crusade”'
'Garamond Press'
'Guernica Editions'
'Guernica Editions ; Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Guernica Editions ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'H. Pearson Gundy, Upper Canada's Publishing Historian'
'Harvest House'
'Helen Humphreys's Toronto Mythologies'
'How Sheila Watson's The Double Hook Caught On'
'Hugh Garner: The "One Man Trade Union" of Publishing (with audio recording)'
'Hugh Kane: "The Compleat Bookman"'
'Hugh Kane: "The Compleat Bookman"' ; 'The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Hugh Kane: The Compleat Bookman'
'Isabella Valancy Crawford'
'J.W. Bengough: Publisher and Pioneer of Editorial Cartooning in English Canada'
'J.W. Bengough: Publisher and Pioneer of Editorial Cartooning in English Canada'
'Jack McClelland, McClelland & Stewart ; Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart' 'Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart' ; 'Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Publishers' Catalogues'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Royalties and the Rails: Pierre Berton's Railway Books'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; Translators of Canada: Paul Wilson, Wayne Grady, and David Lobdell ; William Arthur Deacon: Reviewing, Advertising, and Publishers'
'Locks’ Press, the private press of Fred and Margaret Lock, Kingston, Ontario: A Personal Narrative'
'Lorne Pierce of the Ryerson Press and Vera Lysenko's Men in Sheepskin Coat (1947): Resisting the "Red Scare" ; The Birth of The Ryerson Press Imprint'
'Lorne Pierce of the Ryerson Press and Vera Lysenko's Men in Sheepskin Coat (1947): Resisting the "Red Scare" ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Lorne Pierce of the Ryerson Press and Vera Lysenko's Men in Sheepskin Coats (1947): Resisting the "Red Scare"'
'Maria Campbell's Halfbreed: "Biography with a purpose"'
'Marius Barbeau and the History of Anthropological and Folklore Publishing'
'Men of the Cloth and the Book: E.J. Pratt and Lorne Pierce'
'Nora Keeling: The Life of a Short Story Writer'
'Privately Published by the Pauline Johnson Trust'
'Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books ; Copp Clark Company'
'Publishers’ Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books ; Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart'
'Publishing for Children: McClelland & Stewart's Long Legacy'
'Publishing for Children: McClelland & Stewart's Long Legacy ; The Boat Who Wouldn’t Float – The Happy Adventure of Farley Mowat and Jack McClelland'
'Queen's Quarterly'
'Queen's Quarterly: Fostering Canadian Cultural Identity'
'Queen’s Quarterly: Fostering Canadian Cultural Identity'
'Royalties and the Rails: Pierre Berton’s Railway Books' ; 'The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Royalties and the Rails: Pierre Berton’s Railway Books ; Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'Saturday Night: Canada's Oldest General Interest Magazine'
'Saturday Night: Canada’s Oldest General Interest Magazine'
'Sixty Eight Publishers'
'Stan Bevington: The Making of a Master Printer'
'Stan Bevington: The Making of a Master Printer with Audio Interview'
'The Birth of the Ryerson Press Imprint'
'The Birth of the Ryerson Press Imprint' ; 'The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
'The Canadian 'Pocket Book,' 1940-1980 ; Clarke, Irwin & Company Limited'
'The Canadian 'Pocket Book,' 1940-1980 ; Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart'
'The Censorship of Margaret Laurence's The Diviners, 1976-1985 ; Jack McClelland and McClelland & Stewart'
'The Macmillan Company of Canada'
'The Macmillan Company of Canada' ; 'Publishers' Catalogues'
'The Macmillan Company of Canada ; Catching Sight of the Battle: Gladys Neale's Rise to the Top of Education Publishing (with audio recording)'
'The Macmillan Company of Canada ; Publishers' Catalogues and a Chariot on Yonge Street: Marketing Canadian Books'
'The Perilous Trade Collection, with Audio Interviews'
'The Perilous Trade Collection, with Audio Interviews ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century ; Alberto Manguel and Louise Dennys: An Editing Match'
'The Poetic Achievement of Contact Press (1952-1967)'
'The Prodigious Career of Charles G.D. Roberts'
'The Prospectus of the Quebec Gazette/La Gazette de Québec'
'The Rise of the Small Press Movement in Canada'
'William Arthur Deacon: Reviewing, Advertising, and Publishers ; The Publishing Industry in Canada 1918 to the Twenty-First Century'
A Concise History and Video Tour of Coach House Press
Cashbook contributions to the biographies of publishers George Maclean Rose and Daniel Rose
Copp Clark Company
Douglas Gibson Books and Alice Munro, with Editorial Audio Recordings by Douglas Gibson
H. Pearson Gundy, Upper Canada's Publishing Historian
L.M. Montgomery and Her Publishers
Queen's Quarterly
The Poetic Achievement of Contact Press (1952-1967)
The Business of Publishing
Publishing and Canadian Identity
Production (Design, Illustration, Technology)
Publishing Houses and the Periodical Press
People in Publishing
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