Letter from Jane Sutherland to Pauline Johnson, 27 December 1912, re arrival of books
E. Pauline Johnson fonds
Rights and Contributing Institution
119 Hunter St W. Hamilton
Dec 27th
Dear Miss Johnson,
The books arrived a week ago today, your letter came four or five days before the books. I have delivered most of them, & those I have been paid for I am sending you a draft for in this letter, the draft is for $40.00? I tried to collect the money before the books arrived so that I might send all the money at once, but was unable to do so, however it will be paid me very shortly now. Xmas time people generally ? themselves rather short of cash, there are so many both rich rich & poor that have to be remembered at this Happy time. What a lovely letter you sent me, this day ?, I shall read it to the municipal Chapter Hamilton, (they always meet on the first Friday in the month) I am sure they will be so interested & delighted to hear it. Tomorrow afternoon I shall read it to the members of my own Chapter. One & all we are delighted to be able to show our appreciation of our talented country women. May God in His mercy lighten your sufferings, & comfort you as he alone can do. Yours with much sympathy
(?) Jane Sutherland
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letter (typescript)