Statement by William Kirby Jr. titled "Literary Review of the Publication of William Kirby's 'Le Chien d'Or'", 1925
This document was found in the Macmillan of Canada archives along with a contractual letter from Hugh Eayrs to Lorne Pierce (20 May 1927) regarding Pierce's editing of a Macmillan edition of The Golden Dog proposed for 1929. In that letter, Mary S. Kirby is identified as William Kirby's daughter-in-law; William Kirby Jr. is identified as his grandson. The document reproduced here, by William Kirby Jr., outlines the publishing history of the book. The document folder also contains a memorandum of agreement between Mary Kirby and Macmillan of Canada (1927), and releases from William Kirby Jr. and Mary S. Kirby, both dated 1932. A Bibliography of Macmillan Imprints, 1906-1980 lists only a 1932 school edition, part of the St. Martin's Classics series, "Shortened, with an introduction and glossary by E.C. Woodley" authorized for use in British Columbia schools, with a note indicating it was 'First published in the St. Martin's Classics Series in 1931."
Macmillan Co. of Canada, Author Series, Contracts
Rights and Contributing Institution
[Handwritten portion at end of typescript]:
This was placed in hands of Dr. Lorne Pierce Mar 31/25 by W. Kirby for use in furthering the new Ed. of the Golden Dog - byaAuthority of the Wm. Kirby F.R.S.C. Estate to be Edited by himself - per Contract with M.S. Kirby & Lorne Pierce, 1924 [sic].
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