Letter from Mazo de la Roche to her children, 29 April, [193?]
Mazo de la Roche and her cousin and lifelong companion, Caroline Clement, adopted two children in 1931, to whom de la Roche writes in this letter.
Mazo de la Roche fonds
Rights and Contributing Institution
Park Plaza
29 April
My darlings,
No little letter from either of you yet! I do hope you are well and happy. And Mademoiselle too. And the dear doggies.
We were at a lovely party at Uncle Hugh's last night and did not get back to the Hotel till after two.
To-day is Michael's birthday. He is seven. He is getting a tricycle. Auntie Cara gave him a weighing scale and I gave him a china figure of a prancing colt held by a child. He is a dear little boy and Jim is very nice. He is quite tall and gets into fights at Upper Canada College where he is a day boy.
I am sending you each a book for a prize for working well at your lessons. Mlle told me in her letter that you had. We shall see about the prizes for nice behaviour and gentleness when I come home. I shall hope for glowing accounts.
And naughty of Moulin and Duff to worry the poor cat! And Augustus to march down the drive to seek adventure! I am afraid that dear Mademoiselle has her hands full with all of you.
Everyone here is asking about you two children and wishing to see you. Perhaps I shall hear from you to-day.
With much love
E [with x x x x beneath] R [with x x x x beneath]
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