Letter from Pauline Johnson to her sister Evelyn, 18 December 1911
E. Pauline Johnson fonds
Rights and Contributing Institution
I am to dine with the Copes on Christmas night, & Billy dines with a German friend of hers at the Dutch Grill, our most exclusive restaurant here. The music there is always ? and her friend is such a nice chap.
Vancouver, Dec /8th Monday, 1911.
Dear Old Ev, Only a line to say "Chris'mas" like the old folk on the Grand River at home. I want this note to reach you, even if a longer one does not by Christmas Day.
Your letter with the order for X, came two days ago, and I want to thank you over & over for it. But dont send me any more money. The Brantford people made my testimonial $ 473.00 so you see that at last I am even with the world here & free from worry. I am so well, going out daily & so busy or I should have written to you. The rains have come, and with them I am always so much better. My book went out in the book stalls on Saturday at noon hour, & by Wednesday, not a copy was left in the publishing house. Spencers (who is like Eatons in Toronto) sold 100 of them last Friday. There never has been such a rush on a holiday book here. Brantford ? ? for 100 & he sent them, but Mr. McKroski [sic] could not let them have one single copy.
The Entire Edition is sold out. is it-not-?? I am so tired with people coming here with 4 & 5 books for me to autograph day in & day out. The books sell at one dollar & the reviews have been magnificent, all the papers seem to think that I have done great things for the city - by unearthing its - surrounding romance. I shall mail you the city reviews tomorrow, & write a longer letter. I'll accept this ten dollars you send for a Xmas gift but not - the hundred it is too much money for you to ?, & I cannot think of taking such a sum.
Mrs. Cope & I go shopping daily together but I dont think any of my friends will expect me to send money gifts after this long year of illness, I'll tell you later what I have sent & to whom. Walter McRaye sent me five dollars & I bought a swagger pair of boots with it. This is just to end my ?, & to let you know I am feeling so well & bright, & eating well too & to send my love & wishes for a ? happy Christmas from your affectionate sister Paul.
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