Letter from John W. (John William) Garvin to Mrs. [Eliza Jane] Crawford, 6 August 1935
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection
Rights and Contributing Institution
55 Charles St. E. Toronto, Ont.
Aug. 6/35
Dear Mrs. Crawford,
Your letter to hand.
Will mail the rug this week to your brothers ... Would not think of insuring it for $500.00 as it is not worth more than $50.00, unless for sentimental reasons. However I will register it.
Have just started up the Radisson society again after 47 years, but the new edition of Isabella Valancy's poems will not be out before next spring. After that it will earn you royalties ...
1. Will you please tell me again how many Crawford children died in Dublin while the doctor was absent in Australia: also give me their sexes.
2. How many children altogether in the family? 3. Did any die in Paisley?
4. Was Isabella Valancy the 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th child?
5. Was she older than the sister who died in Peterboro'?
6. When did your husband Stephen (the youngest child) die and where? What caused his death?
7. What was your maiden name?
8. Give me please, the names of the children again, and tell me where they reside... Please answer soon.
Very sincerely,
John W. Garvin
Do you know when Dr. Crawford died?
Related Information
Case Study
'The Poet and the Publisher: Duncan Campbell Scott and Lorne Pierce'
Queen's University
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection
17 November 1924
Material Type
letter (typescript)